Waterloo Region's #1 Source for Comic Books, Sports Cards, TCG's, Collectibles and More!

Upcoming Releases

Here's what's coming soon to Lookin For Heroes:



09/08 - MTG: Wilds of Eldraine
09/19 - Wonder Woman #1
09/19 - Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham #1
09/20 - Captain America #1
09/26 - Flash #1


10/4 - Vampirella: Dead Flowers #1
10/11 - Garbage Pail Kids: Trashin' Through Time #1
10/13 - MTG: Doctor Who Commander Decks


If you're interested in any upcoming releases, please email us at inquiries@lookinforheroes.com to have your request set aside. Please note that release dates are subject to change.